Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi




DAAT coordinators offer assistance and guidance based on Torah and Chassidut in halachic, motivational and family matters to rabbis, leaders and to individuals. The rabbis at DAAT provide answers that appear on this site. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Fill in the attached questionnaire and you will receive an answer by email as soon as possible. We recommend that within the next few days you check your spam mail, the answer may have arrived or maybe will arrive there.

This site presents Judaism according to Chassidut and Kabala. It covers an extensive array of topics, including education and marital harmony, for example.

I have heard people say that it is not necessary to wait the entire 6 hours, only most of that time. Is this true?

When we go on a trip with the children, I tell everyone to wash their hands for bread and make a blessing “haMotzi” before getting

Is it permissible to complete the daily learning schedule of Chumash, Tehillim, and Tanya, at night since according to the Arizal (the kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak

If I am on a flight and ate a meal, then a dairy meal is brought and I am not sure that 6 hours have

This question is from Mexico: May tourists visit sites of ancient Mayan culture? It could be that the displays contain items that were used in

In our shul, (Beit Knesset, synagogue,) there is a large electric urn in which water is boiled for several days at a time. The water

What blessing should be said on cornflakes?

In our city there is a large central square, in which there is a paved area designed like a cross. May we pass through the

Is there a connection between the relationship between parents and the mental health of their children, from a Jewish or psychological perspective?

What is the main difference between the approach and defining aspect of modern psychology with regard to education and parenting and that of Jewish psychology?

What is the difference between what the father gives the child and what the mother gives him, according to Jewish psychology?


I overheard someone in shul telling another person that it makes no difference where he is holding in the prayers, when the congregation reaches ‘Yishtabach’


Why is there a custom to spit during the Aleinu prayer?Is it to obliterate evil? Is it permissible to erase the spit with one’s shoe?


How do I understand what is written in Likkutei Torah (one of the seminal works of Rabbi Shneor Zalman of Liadi, the ‘Alter Rebbe’). Which


Does it make a difference whether I speak on the phone or send a text on Shabbat?


If a person is in mourning, may he lead the services during the High Holidays and the Slichot?


If I am aware already before Shabbat that there is a chance that there will be an emergency requiring me to travel, must I go

Q. We have the possibility to choose a Shofar blower who is decent and G-d-fearing, but there is another person who knows how to blow


Who should be appointed to lead the congregation in saying the Slichot?


Where is it written that people should bless each other for the New Year?


Is there a custom whereby the Shaliach Tzibbur who leads the Slichot also leads the prayer services for the entire day?


Is the Shaliach Tzibbur required to wear a Tallit for Slichot?


What should be done during the days of Slichot if there was a minyan at the beginning of the service but by the end some


What is the Chabad custom regarding a mourner leading the prayer services?


Q. Is it permissible to perform actions for the comfort or convenience of the driver who must drive on Shabbat, such as turning on light


Is it important to check Tefillin and Mezuzot during the month of Elul?


Is there good reason to add on in reciting Psalms during the month of Elul and the High Holidays?


What are the different sources and customs for reciting the Psalm, “LeDovid? HaShem Ori vYishei?


Regarding payment for my job, I am paid on a monthly basis, and I’m speaking about a month in which most of the working days


Regarding returning home on Shabbat or Yom Tov, is it permissible to return home when the purpose of the trip has been accomplished?


In the event that I am unable to go home on Shabbat or Chag, I am in a situation where I remain on the work


¿Cómo se puede diferenciar entre los diferentes tipos de deseos? ¿Cuál es el camino interior y práctico del servicio de la anulación de los deseos?


Q. Could you please explain the details involved in driving a vehicle while working on Shabbat for national security? Are there differences in handling an

Q. A person prepared cookies where the majority of the liquid ingredients was fruit juice, which according to basic Halocho warrant a blessing of ‘mezonos,’

Q. A woman lost her son unfortunately, and is now sitting shiva for her sister. Her son’s yahrtzeit will occur during the shiva. She strongly

מוקדש לרפואת והצלחת

מאיר אוריאל בן עידית

שאל את הרב

שיעורים ומאמרים חדשים