DAAT coordinators offer assistance and guidance based on Torah and Chassidut in halachic, motivational and family matters to rabbis, leaders and to individuals. The rabbis at DAAT provide answers that appear on this site. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Fill in the attached questionnaire and you will receive an answer by email as soon as possible. We recommend that within the next few days you check your spam mail, the answer may have arrived or maybe will arrive there.
This site presents Judaism according to Chassidut and Kabala. It covers an extensive array of topics, including education and marital harmony, for example.
Which is preferable on Shabbat, to use a computer, or a Shabbat pen?
Q. If a person is working in a position that has to do with national security, may he/she work in a usual manner on Shabbat,
Business consultant to non-kosher business
Is it permissible for a business consultant to provide service to a business that deals with unkosher food – meat that was not slaughtered properly,
Does each Chanuka Menorah need a Shamash?
Giving tzedaka from parent’s money
My father supports me and helps me by giving me money. However, he is not happy that I give tzedaka from the money he gives
Mikveh before davvening
I find it difficult to go to the MIkveh every day before davvening, what should I do?
Selling Mezuzot
I sell Mezuzot in a Chabad House, and various sorts of people come to purchase from me. Should I be careful to sell a Sefardi
Praying in a Conservative synagogue
Where I live there is only a Conservative synagogue, is it permissible for me to davven there and to hear the Torah reading when they
Moving a Sefer Torah often
We run a shul in a place which is not private. The owner of the Sefer Torah we use is willing to allow us to
Where to light the Chanukah lights
If someone goes to their family for the Shabbat of Chanukah, and it would be very late on Motzei Shabbat by the time they get
Milk in a meat pot
If milk spilled into a meat vessel that had meat in it within the previous 24 hours, what is the Halachic status of the milk,
Selling shares according to exchange rate
Is it permissible to give an instruction to sell or purchase a share when the exchange rate reaches a certain value, and that could happen
Kashering meat
Is it necessary to remove the kidneys before salting the meat in the kashering process?
The Rebbe’s picture
Should one be careful that pictures of the Rebbe do not lie around on the ground?
Meat in the mouth
Shalom Rabbi! I waited six hours after a meat meal, but then found a piece of meat between my teeth. Do I need to wait
Fulfilling Kiddush obligation with mezonot, (cake, cookies or crackers)
My husband eats a lot at the Kiddush (in shul) on Shabbat, and doesn’t want to wash for bread at the Shabbat meal (at home),
Chanukah candles
Is it permissible to use Chanukah candles which stay lit less than half an hour?
Marriage on Chanukah
I am getting married with G-d’s help on Chanukah, will I have to fast?
Sleeping on Friday
Is it all-right to sleep on Friday, before Shabbat?
Spitting in Aleinu
I davvened in a shul in England and spat during the prayer of Aleinu, so the president of the shul came and shouted at me,
Pasteurized wine touched by non-Jew
Is it permissible to use pasteurized wine that was handled by a non-Jew?
False impressions in commerce
I work in a non-profit organization, and according to law, I must have three price offers for every product that the organization purchases. I already
Waiting after meat food
I ate a meat meal and do not remember if exactly six hours passed, can I eat dairy food?
Stopping work before lighting Chanukah candles
Shalom Rabbi! I work in a store and finish work at eight o’clock, and only then arrive home to light the Chanukah candles. According to
Ma’aser from pocket money
Does a child need to give ma’aser from pocket money that he received from his parents?
Leasing a restaurant to a non-Jew
I am leasing my restaurant to a non-Jew for five years, and he is continuing to run it under the same name for the sake
Population of Cohanim at the Torah reading.
We have a Shabbat Chatan, and it will be held in a shul where all the members are Cohanim what should be the procedure for
Moving a Sefer Torah
Is it permissible to move a Sefer Torah from the shul to the yard in the same domain?
Lost and found
I found a wallet with a large sum of money and other valuables, it belongs to a non-Jew. Do I have to return it?
Burying the dead in a different country
A man came to Eretz Yisrael and passed away. His family wants to fly him back to their home country, where they have a family