Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi



How do I understand what is written in Likkutei Torah (one of the seminal works of Rabbi Shneor Zalman of Liadi, the ‘Alter Rebbe’). Which of the following two is the means, and which is the goal? Torah and Mitzvot, or revealing G-dliness in the world? It is clear to me that they are intertwined because you cannot reveal G-dliness in the world without Torah and Mitzvot, but when The Holy One Blessed be He desired a dwelling place in the lower worlds, which of them was the means and which was the ultimate goal?

The ultimate goal of creation is to reveal G-dliness in the physical world. This could have been achieved in many ways, but it is G-d’s desire that this should be achieved specifically through performing the 613 Mitzvot. Since HaShem has chosen these 613 Mitzvot, they cease to be a means, and become part of the ultimate goal.
