Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi



The Rav Name: Rabbi Meir Arad

May one express requests to G-d while reciting the Amidah (Shmoneh Esreh) prayer?

According to Halacha (Jewish law) during all the middle blessings (not the first or last of the 18 blessings,) one may express one’s request to G-d, such as requests for healing the sick in the blessing ‘Refaenu’ (Heal us), for material sustenance in the blessing ‘Barech Aleinu’ (Bless us), and for any other requests in ‘Shomea Tefilla’ (Hear our prayers). According to Sefer Chassidim (16th century work including Halacha and Aggada, a recognized authority), if a person focuses strongly on his personal request during the Amidah prayer, it arouses the Heavenly accuser. The recommended course of action therefore, is to add all additional requests at the end of the prayer, just before the second ‘Yihyu leRatzon’ (May my words be according to Your Will).
