Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi



The Rav Name: Rabbi Meir Arad

What are the instructions concerning a pregnant woman fasting on Tisha B’Av?

1. Pregnant women should prepare for the Tisha B’Av fast properly by eating and drinking well beforehand: 2. It is advisable to hydrate the body well and consume sugar that digests slowly during the 24 hours before the fast, by drinking a lot of water with honey. 3. During the fast it is recommended to be in a cool/air-conditioned place. If necessary, the husband should remain at home to assist with the children (even though he is missing praying in a minyan and saying kinnot.) 4. If a pregnant woman feels contractions or cramps – she should immediately drink in a normal manner. 5. If a pregnant woman feels nauseous, or vomits, or has severe headache or weakness more than would be usual during a fast, these are indications that she should stop fasting.
