Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi


The Rav Name: Rabbi Meir Arad

How can we identify if the person reacts from a Tikun consciosness?

Characteristics of Tikun Consciousness: These express the divine soul in a state of egolessness and hitkalelut (integration), and include the following mental attributes and processes that lead to self-actualization: (1) it is an expression of the true, inner nature of a person; (2) it is manifest primarily in a rational grasp of reality (“the mind ruling over the heart”), accompanied by rarified emotions; (3) it is balanced; (4) objective; (5) realistic (acknowledges facts); (6) experiences processes joyfully; (7) is able to ground the “lights” of inspiration within the “vessels” of the mundane; (8) shows patience and understands the value of gradual attainment; (9) is able to clearly distinguish between good and bad, and (10) is open to various options of behavior.
