Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi


The Rav Name: Rabbi Meir Arad

Q. A person quarreled with his wife, and in order to aggravate her, he claimed that he betrothed their daughter to a particular man but did not reveal to whom. The person passed away, and the daughter has reached marriageable age, what should she do?

Answer: A.      A similar story is brought, where the Chachomim of Provincia had differing opinions about whether or not there was a way to cancel out the validity of the father’s claim “I have betrothed my daughter.” B.      In this context, it can be assumed that the father said this only to upset and aggravate his wife, but did not really do it. (Rabbi Boruch Dov Povarsky based his decision on the above when he permitted the girl to be open to marriage suggestions, in his letter to Rabbi Sternbuch, in the Kovetz Beis Hillel 47, P. 24.)
