Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi


The Rav Name: Rabbi Meir Arad

Q. Is one obligated to say the blessings on the Torah before the preliminary Krias Shema? (Krias Shema Ktana)

Answer: A.      It says in the Gemora (Nedorim 8, Mnachos 99:72) that by saying Krias Shema one fulfills his obligation of learning Torah, and therefore at first glance one can say that one needs to say the blessings over the Torah first. B.      However in the book Ometz Yosef (the Chida, Siman 66,) and in Siach HaSadeh, (Baal Eretz Tzvi, Shaar Brochos 5:A) it is written that a person does not fulfill his obligation to learn Torah by reading Krias Shema unless he expressly intends to do so. Thus, if a person a person is reading Krias Shema for the sake of performing the mitzvah and not for the sake of fulfilling his obligation to learn Torah, he does not have to say the blessings on the Torah first, but, refer to the Chayei Odom, (Rule 9:103,) that in any situation a person should say the blessings over the Torah before reciting Krias Shema. C.      Therefore the conclusion is that one should say the blessings over the Torah before reciting Krias Shema, and in a case of emergency where he is concerned that he may miss the time for reading Shema if he also says the blessings over the Torah, he may rely on the lenient approach. (See Dvar Avrohom, section A:16, Maadnei Asher Parshas Eikev 5764, Neizer HaTorah 9, P. 382).
