Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

רב משיב: Rabbis of the Da'at Institute

Is it desirable to sleep wearing Tzitzit at night? The Torah says “and you shall

May one use deodorant to remove bad odor on the 9th of Av (fast day

Is it permissible to use insecticide against ants and/or flies, and/or fleas on Shabbat?

How long must one wait to eat meaty food after eating (the common) yellow cheese?

If a factory for kitchen-ware is owned by a Jew, but the utensils are sold

During vacation we take the family on trips to the forest, or parks or orchards

In our city the Rav (who is also the Chabad shaliach – emissary,) makes Kiddush

The Alter Rebbe writes that a person who has fulfilled his obligation of making Kiddush

I am the daughter of a Cohen (a member of the Jewish priestly family) and

If there is food in a baby carriage below a sleeping baby, is it a

Which ‘melachot’ (see above) did women accept upon themselves not to do on Rosh Chodesh’,

I have heard that there are places where people wait only 3 hours after eating

I have heard people say that it is not necessary to wait the entire 6

When we go on a trip with the children, I tell everyone to wash their

Is it permissible to complete the daily learning schedule of Chumash, Tehillim, and Tanya, at

If I am on a flight and ate a meal, then a dairy meal is

Is there a connection between the relationship between parents and the mental health of their

What is the main difference between the approach and defining aspect of modern psychology with

What is the difference between what the father gives the child and what the mother

This question is from Mexico: May tourists visit sites of ancient Mayan culture? It could

In our shul, (Beit Knesset, synagogue,) there is a large electric urn in which water

What blessing should be said on cornflakes?

In our city there is a large central square, in which there is a paved