Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Holidays

Eating Meat during the 9 Days

The custom among the Jews of Jerusalem, as well as Ashkenazi Jews, is to stay away from meaty foods during the first 9 days of the month of Av. Is this stringency for small children, ill people, pregnant women, etc.?

All halachic authorities permit feeding meat to children who are weak during the first nine days of the Hebrew month of Av, whereas for children who do not need to eat meat for their health, there are authorities that allow it, as children are permitted to drink the wine from havdala.

Some authorities do not permit feeding meat to healthy children during the nine days.

Women who are pregnant, nursing, or weak may eat meat and it is even desirable, so that they will be strong enough to fast on the fast day of the 9th of Av, which is more important than refraining from meat and wine during the first eight days of Av (except for Shabbat, when no customs of mourning are permitted and therefore meat and wine are consumed).
