Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

רב משיב: Rabbi Boaz Yurkowitz

The Rebbe’s picture

Should one be careful that pictures of the Rebbe do not lie around on the

Chanukah candles

Is it permissible to use Chanukah candles which stay lit less than half an hour?

Marriage on Chanukah

I am getting married with G-d’s help on Chanukah, will I have to fast?

Sleeping on Friday

Is it all-right to sleep on Friday, before Shabbat?

Meat in the mouth

Shalom Rabbi! I waited six hours after a meat meal, but then found a piece

Spitting in Aleinu

I davvened in a shul in England and spat during the prayer of Aleinu, so

Waiting after meat food

I ate a meat meal and do not remember if exactly six hours passed, can

Moving a Sefer Torah

Is it permissible to move a Sefer Torah from the shul to the yard in

Lost and found

I found a wallet with a large sum of money and other valuables, it belongs

Immersion in the sea

Shalom Rabbi, if a woman works and she needs to go to the Mikveh but

Burying an observant Jew

How is it that observant Jews get buried next to non-observant Jews? Isn’t it forbidden

Walking stick on Shabbat

When it is very cold outside, my husband uses a walking stick in order not