Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

רב משיב: Rabbi Meir Arad

Q. A woman lost her son unfortunately, and is now sitting shiva for her sister.

Q. What is more important – saying Kaddish for the merit of the deceased, or

Q. When should “kulanu bnei bris” (“all of us are members of the covenant,”) be


Which is preferable on Shabbat, to use a computer, or a Shabbat pen?

Q. When a person is within his year of mourning for a parent, and he

Q. A person quarreled with his wife, and in order to aggravate her, he claimed

Q. Is one obligated to say the blessings on the Torah before the preliminary Krias

Q. Yichye is a person who prays in a fast minyan, and when he is

Q. Which type of rust should be removed before koshering a utensil?

Q. If a person is known to be mentally unwell, and it is known that

Q. A person was caught doing illegal business overseas, and was put in prison. While

How we can explain the concepts Tohu and Tikun in the human psyche according to

How can we identify if the person reacts from a Tohu consciosness?

What are the Diagnostic Tools of the Chasidic Counselor?

Q. If an optometrist was tired and mistakenly gave the wrong prescription eyeglasses to a

Q. Is is permissible to break the lock and use a bicycle which is broken

What are the ramifications of the consciousness of egolessness (bitul) in a person’s life and

What is rectified Self awareness according to the Jewish Psychology approach?

What are the stages of normative psychological development according to Chabad Chasidism? What are the

How can we identify if the person reacts from a Tikun consciosness?

What are Main Assumptions of the Chasidic Counselor? What is the essence of the Chasidic

Q. How should a person whose father’s name is not known be called up to