Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Chassidut

Where to invest

The Rav Name: Rabbi Yitzchak Arad

if i should do everything to buy a house in boro park
or for cheaper in lakewood even i will not go live there
and rent in boro park
or should not buy just rent

Shalom and thank you for your question!

You are asking about where to invest in real estate, and this is beyond the scope of what we can answer. However, it is important to point out that in the case of questions such as this, that have to do with worldly issues such as health or making a living, the Torah does provide guidelines. Firstly, the Torah says that we should tithe (take ma’aser from,) any and all income that we receive, and this draws down Heavenly blessings from above. One may give more than a tenth to Tzedaka. Tzedaka is often translated as charity, but it comes from the root ‘Tzedek,’ which means justice. It is just, only right, to use the resources G-d gives us in order to help others.

Secondly, in the Torah portion of Yitro we find that Yitro recommends a system of delegation to Moses. There were to be leaders of thousands, leaders hundreds, and leaders of tens of people. In this way, everyone could have access to someone who could guide them. We learn also in Pirkei Avot that we should have a relationship with a Rabbi who knows us, and also a good friend with whom we can take counsel.

In case such as yours, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, recommends taking counsel with some people who have knowledge and experience in the field, and also have your best interests in mind.

In summary, to get a worthwhile answer to your question, you must do some research, and present the pros and cons of the various options to a good friend, Rabbi, or mentor, and then follow the recommendations, trusting G-d that the outcome will be good for you.

Much success!
