Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Chassidut

Way du people suffer

Do you believe that the creator of the good, healthiness, happiness is the same creator as the creator of the badness, sickness, sadness? How could it be that the same creator will create things that contradict each other. It doenst seem logical…I’m sorry to ask..

one of the fundamentals of Judaism is the belief that everything is from g-d from good to bad it was all created by him and everything which befalls on a person is with divine providence and his special direction.
g-d created this world with a purpose that we fix it elevate and change it in every situation man has the choice of how to deal with the situation to live it and fulfil its purpose or g-d forbid to miss the opportunity

Nothing in life is random. G-d sends suffering to accomplish a specific purpose. We must realize that there are reasons for our difficulties. If one we approach a challenge in a proper way we will grow from and transcend our challenges.
Challenges and struggles push us to discover the deeper reality, and to actually live it. As such, it’s a process which requires learning, experimentation, living and experience. And with time, we come to see things as they are.
On the one hand, tests and challenges require us to have faith, and trust that all G d does is for the best. He is entirely good, wants the best for us, and knows what we need better than we do.
At the same time, kabbalah teaches us that the discomforts we face in life are an even deeper level of connection with G d. Challenges are deeper and more powerful blessings. And because they are so deep, they have to come into our lives packaged as something negative.
The struggle we feel is the process of unwrapping the package. But it is also part of the gift, for in dealing with the situation we discover untapped reservoirs of ability and potential within ourselves, and deepen our relationship with G d.
Ignoring the underlying spiritual cause of our difficulties is an exercise in futility; we cannot override G-d’s purpose in sending us challenges. When we also focus on the spiritual, we give our material efforts much-needed potency.
Important points to realize
Challenges strengthen our faith and acceptance of G-d’s will. Underlying all the reasons below is one fundamental truth: The purpose of our challenges is to benefit us (Tractate Berachot 60b). Difficulties serve as a training ground to strengthen our belief that G-d guides our lives for our highest good. Sometimes, later in life, we realize how we benefited, or we will discover the benefit in the Next World.
A example given is just like one would walk into an operating room in the hospital might mistakenly think that the operators a murderers but in truth they are helping the
Challenges help us grow and improve. Generally, we learn more from our failures and challenges than we do from our successes. Suffering teaches us important lessons, e.g., humility, empathy, patience and perseverance. Through suffering, we discover our hidden strengths and abilities we did not know we possessed.
Suffering can also help us improve by reminding us to increase our repentance, prayer, and charity. A key High Holiday prayer states that by enhancing these three components we can annul a harsh decree. Use suffering as a catalyst to repent for misdeeds, pray with greater fervor and give charity more generously.
Challenges allow us to help others, by giving them the opportunity to be kind, appreciate their blessings, and learn from our example. In Heaven, there are no needy, sick or discouraged people. This world is the world of opportunity, the place where we can accomplish great good and earn the bliss of Heaven. Therefore, in this world, to provide opportunities to do acts of kindness there must be people who suffer and struggle.
Most of us do not suffer our entire lives. We take turns, so we get a chance to be both the giver and the recipient. Because of this, if you are suffering, allow others to help you (G-d gave them resources so that they can do so). Suffering in silence defeats the purpose.
Suffering also reminds us not to take our blessings for granted, to appreciate what is going right in our lives and to be thankful to G-d. We can realize that even with all our difficulties, in many ways we are fortunate and there are still opportunities for us to help others…

I recommend that you do a lot more follow up reading on this subject
