Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Questions about Faith

These and those are the words of the living G-d

The Rav Name: Rabbi Boaz Yurkowitz

There is a saying in the Torah that \”These and those are the words of the living G-d.\” How do you explain this saying? Does this mean that all the opinions in the Torah are correct? Can this apply when one opinion says that something is permissible and another says that it is not?

The inner meaning of \’these and those are the living words of G-d\’ is not only that all the various opinions are true, but that in their inner dimension they are one. This is because every opinion in the body of authentic Torah has its place. Even if the Halachic ruling goes according to a certain opinion, there is a place for the other opinions.

On a deeper level, in addition to the fact that there is a place for all the opinions on the level of scholarship, each opinion has a parallel in an individual\’s actual service of G-d. The Halachic ruling in a certain instance may be opinion A, as it relates to actual deed, but spiritually all the opinions are relevant and each one teaches us something, even if it doesn\’t have a physical application.

This concept is often referred to in Chassidic discourses, where it is shown how each of the sages\’ rulings expressed the spiritual source of his soul.


ליקוטי שיחות לפרשת תרומה חלק ו, לפרשת אמור חלק ל\”ב