Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Chassidut

Prayer for a job

The Rav Name: Rabbi Yitzchak Arad

is there a prayer for finding a job? I have been looking but so far didn’t get a response. Thank you!

Shalom and thank you for your question! There are many spiritual remedies or ‘enablers’ for finding a job and for just about anything else… In Hebrew it is called ‘segulot’ in plural, segula, in singular. There is no exact translation so I think the word ‘enabler’ is closest to the meaning of the word segula. Meaning that performing that action enables you to spiritually access the things you need.
To enumerate just a few segulot:

After the holiday of Pesach, (Passover,) it is a popular custom to bake Challot in the shape of a key, or with a key inserted in them, as a segula for ‘parnassa’, income.

Saying the blessing after meals out loud or clearly from a Siddur or ‘bentcher’ (a pamphlet or printed page with the grace after meals printed on it,) is a segula for good income.

Some scholars and Rabbis have pointed out certain chapters of Tehillim, (Psalms,) to say for different purposes, one of which is obtaining income.

In the set prayers in the Siddur, (the Jewish prayer book,) there are certain prayers relating to income. One example is a paragraph in Aramaic beginning with the words ‘yekum purkan,’ which is said in Ashkenazic communities after the Shacharit service and the Torah reading on Shabbat, and before the Musaf service. This is a beautiful prayer blessing the congregation with all their various needs.

Another example in the prayer book is the tenth blessing in the Shemona Esre prayer, known also as the Amidah, (standing prayer.) The blessing is called ‘Birkat haShanim,’ the blessings of years. This is the place to have in mind requesting G-d’s blessings for financial abundance, and a beautiful etrog for the festival of Sukkot.

There are probably many more prayers or segulot, but I will finish off with one that takes more effort than the rest, but perhaps is the most worthwhile.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shneerson, instituted a project of learning certain writings of the Rambam, (Maimonides,) on a rotational basis throughout the year.

These are the Mishneh Torah, in which there are two possible routes:

1. A chapter a day, or

2. 3 chapters a day.

Additionally, there is the route of learning a section from the Sefer haMitzvot every day. You can search at for more information.

The Rambam was one of the greatest scholars and codifiers of Jewish law. The Lubavitcher Rebbe had special reasons for instituting the Rambam project, and when we align ourselves with the teachings and instructions

of the spiritual leader of the generation, this creates a special bond which is in itself the best possible segula, or ‘enabler’ for the blessings you need.

May G-d grant you success in your search!!

All the segulot I mentioned are worthwhile and important, and your intention is the main thing. When you perform these actions out of an awareness that blessing in life is dependent ultimately on G-d and no one or nothing else, it will surely help. The adage ‘G-d helps those who help themselves’ is true and not contradictory. We need to work on both levels, sincere faith and trust on the one hand, and sincere effort in the natural, worldly realm on the other hand.
