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category:  Chassidut

Pasuk for Leah

if my name is leah what is my passuk fof the end of shmona esrei?

Shalom Leah!

Thank you for turning to us. We have prepared you a list of pesukim to choose from, all from Tehillim (Psalms). It is interesting to note that a person’s Jewish name has great significance. It is like a spiritual formula of the soul energies that you are made up of. You are probably familiar with the ten soul powers that are our spiritual composition. They are Chochmah –  knowledge (or insight), Binah – wisdom (or intellectual development of insight), and Da’at – understanding (or connecting insight and intellectual development to speech and deed). These are the intellectual soul powers, after which come the emotional soul powers. They are Chessed – loving-kindness or reaching out, Gevurah – severity or holding back, Tiferet – Beauty or harmony, (balance), Netzach – victory or persistence, Hod – glory or the capacity to acknowledge,  Yesod – foundation or connection, Malchut – royalty (involving the capacity to funnel the other energies into areas of our existence). We are all spiritually ‘fueled’ by these energies, each person has a different combination of them. Your name, with it’s Hebrew letters of the holy language, represents the unique combination of soul powers that are behind who you are…

So here are some pesukim to choose from:

“לה’ הישועה על עמך ברכתיך סלה” תהילים 3:9

Deliverance is the Lord’s; may your blessings be upon your people forever.

“למה ה’ תעמוד ברחוק תעלים לעתות בעת צרה.” תהילים 10:1

Why oh L-rd do you stand at a distance; why do you hide Yourself in times of tribulation?

“לדוד מזמור לה’ הארץ ומלואה תבל ויושבי בה”. תהילים 24:1

By David a Psalm; the earth and all therein are the Lord’s; the world and it’s inhabitants.”

לדוד משכיל אשרי נשוי פשע כסוי חטאה:” תהילים 32:1

By David a maskil. Happy is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered over.”

“לדוד על תתחר במרעים על תקנא בעושי עולה:” תהילים 37:1

(A Psalm) by David. Do not mingle with evildoers, be not envious of the success of workers of injustice.

“לא נכחד מבניהם לדור אחרון מספרים תהילות ה’ ועזוזו ונפלאותיו אשר עשה.” תהילים 78:4

We will not withhold from their children (the future generations); even to the last generation we will relate the praises of the L-rd, His might and His wonders that He has done”.

“לא אחלל בריתי ומוצא שפתי לא אשנה”. תהילים 89:35

I shall not abrogate My covenant nor change that which has issued from my lips.”

“למנות ימינו כן הודע ונביא לבב חכמה”. תהילים 90:12

Teach us then, to reckon our days, and we will acquire a wise heart.”

“לדוד מזמור חסד ומשפט אשירה לך ה’ אזמרה”. תהילים 101:1

To David a Psalm.  I will sing of kindness and judgment; to you L-rd I will sing praises.

לשמוע אנקת אסיר לפתח בני תמותה.” תהילים 102:21

To hear the anguished cry of the prisoner (the Jewish people), to liberate those who are doomed to die.

“לא אמות כי אחיה ואספר מעשה ה’.” תהילים

I shall not die but I shall live and tell the praises of the L-rd.

“לא בגבורת הסוס יחפץ ולא בשוקי האיש ירצה”. תהילים 147:10

He does not desire (those who place their trust in) the strength of the horse, nor does He want (those who rely upon) the thighs (the swiftness) of man (for their victories).

“לא עשה כן לכל גוי ומשפטים בל ידעום סלה”. תהילים 147:20

He has not done so for other nations, and they do not know (His) ordinances.

” לעשות בהם משפט כתוב הדר הוא לכל חסידיו הללו ה’.” תהילים 149:9

To execute upon them the prescribed judgment; it will be a glory for all His pious ones,  praise the L-rd.

According to Torah commentaries, Leah was able to change a decree through prayer, since she prayed constantly not to have to marry the wicked Esau, whom it was originally decreed that she should marry. Although there is a downside to this,  she is praised for persisting in her prayer, and we learn from her the potency of prayer. You are emulating her by taking your prayers seriously! According to Kabbala,  Leah represents thought while Rachel represents speech.

Good luck in choosing your pasuk, and all the best!
