Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Chassidut

Travel on Saturday to the synagogue

My wife and I want very much to keep Shabbat. Where we live it is many miles to our Chabad house. I go to the Shabbos minyanim but I have to drive there. I am feeling like Im not doing Shabbat well and want to know what you think i can do other than move closer because that isn’t really financially possible at this time

In the ten commandments g-d tells the Jewish people to remember and keep the shabbat holy, Keeping the shabbat has always been a integral part of the Jewish tradition even before the receiving of the torah at Mount Sinai.
the Sages say: Shabbat is “a taste of Heaven on Earth.” If Heaven is pure spirituality, then Shabbat is a taste of that experience.

driving on the holy shabbat day is in essence a transgression of the shabbat as by driving one is igniting a flame in addition the continues drive causes the fire to burn for longer which this is all included in the torah prohibition of not to ignite fire in the homes on the shabbat day.
In addition there is a prohibition to travel on Shabbat out of the city “techum shabbat” 960 meters even by foot and if one lives out of the city he may not travel into the city. In certain instances this can be allowed if one places a eruv techumin which will allow them to walk a further distances, yet this only helps for minimal distances. For more details on techum shabbat one should contact a rabbi directly.

Davening in shul on shabbat is very important as it is a mitzvah to daven in shul going to shul hearing the talks and classes and intermingling with other Jewish people definitely connect one to the community and this connection definitely adds to ones feeling to Yiddishkeit and observance, For this reason Jews always made a effort to live next to the shul and community center you can travel all over Europe today and see the yiddshe gass the Jewish street and so to around the world we see the emphasize to live near the community we it can be noted that certain groups which did not put such a focus of living near the community suffer with a great rate of assimilation which we definitely don’t want to have.
Therefore although one wishes to serve g-d by coming to shul it is definitely wrong to drive to shul on shabbat as driving to shul is desecrating the holy shabbat as mentioned previously one should therefore not drive to shul on shabbat and instead daven at home if the shul is not in walking distance one is to daven bychidut alone at home we can also look at the positive side that and in such a manner one can focus on the words and the meaning of the prayer and certainly achieve a lot in their personal prayer
Davening at home without a minyan in certain situations is acceptable as we all just did during the time of covied 19 where we all davened at home without a minyan.
Therefore in the meantime I recommend that you should do all you can to move closer to the community and the Shul and make this top priority and god will definitely help make this a realty
In the meantime maybe you can find a nearby place to stay over for shabbat And of course even if it does not work out. Wherever you are on Shabbat you will observe the Shabbat and other mitzvot.
And definitely should make the effort to join community prayers during the week and so to classes and all the other weekday community activities.
In conclusion
Shabbat, a day of rest and spiritual bliss, it is a prelude to the pleasure we will experience in the era of Moshiach, when peace and plenty will prevail, and G d’s presence will be clear for all to see. It is no surprise, therefore, that we are told that the reward for keeping Shabbat is the arrival of Moshiach. May it happen in our days. Amen!


שולחן ערוך אדמו”ר הזקן, חלק ב, סימן שמ. שמירת שבת כהלכתה פרק עשרים.