Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Chassidut

Jewish or Not

Hello my name is Nicholas. Although I am from Long Island, I am currently studying in Salzburg, Austria where this is no Jewish community.
I was hoping to ask you for advice on a particular issue I was struggling with. My father is a semi practicing Jew, but my mother is Catholic. Growing up I was raised Jewish, but my father lost his relationship with his faith due to the death of his parents. My mother wanted religion to be a part of my life, and since she did not know how educate us on Judaism I was baptised and raised Catholic.

After following this I became a teenager and aggressively Atheist, but now that I am in my early twenties I have returned to Judaism. But I am often hearing the same comment said to me and I do not know how to respond. People often say that because my mother is not Jewish then “I am not a real Jew”, or “according to Jewish law, I am not a real Jew”. I never know how to respond to this, since Judaism has given me such a strong sense of identity and guidance in life I find it very painful to be discredited because of circumstances beyond my control. Do you have any advice for me?

