Jewish or Not - דעת - לימודי יהדות באור החסידות

Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi


Jewish or Not

The Rav Name: Rabbi Boaz Yurkowitz

Hello my name is Nicholas. Although I am from Long Island, I am currently studying in Salzburg, Austria where this is no Jewish community.
I was hoping to ask you for advice on a particular issue I was struggling with. My father is a semi practicing Jew, but my mother is Catholic. Growing up I was raised Jewish, but my father lost his relationship with his faith due to the death of his parents. My mother wanted religion to be a part of my life, and since she did not know how educate us on Judaism I was baptised and raised Catholic.

After following this I became a teenager and aggressively Atheist, but now that I am in my early twenties I have returned to Judaism. But I am often hearing the same comment said to me and I do not know how to respond. People often say that because my mother is not Jewish then “I am not a real Jew”, or “according to Jewish law, I am not a real Jew”. I never know how to respond to this, since Judaism has given me such a strong sense of identity and guidance in life I find it very painful to be discredited because of circumstances beyond my control. Do you have any advice for me?


There are two aspects to going to the Mikveh: 1. Immersion in accordance with the ruling of Ezra HaSofer, which is done in case there was nocturnal emission, and is therefore very important. 2. Immersion for the sake of additional purity, and for this purpose if you have difficulty in going, you can say Mishnayot from Seder Taharot.
