Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Chassidut

If the Jewish day begins with night-what is the first activity of the day? Would it be the evening meal or evening prayers? And do you eat before or after Maariv (Arvit) prayers? Thanks for your help!

If the Jewish day begins with night-what is the first activity of the day? Would it be the evening meal or evening prayers? And do you eat before or after Maariv (Arvit) prayers? Thanks for your help!

Indeed the Jewish day begins at sundown, and the very first activity should be the evening prayer service, Maariv. The evening meal follows, but it is preferable to study some Torah first if possible, for two reasons :

1) It is written ‘And you shall speak in (words of Torah) day and night’, this is a commandment incumbent on Jewish males. (Women are also obligated to study Torah but are not bound to specific times).

2) It is written that “All those who occupy themselves with Torah in this world, which is called ‘night’, the Holy One Blessed be He draws down upon him a cord of loving-kindness in the world to come”.

קיצור שולחן ערוך עם פסקי אדמו”ר הזקן
