Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Jewish Law

How to do Hagbah

When doing Hagbah, should one turn to one’s right first (thereby showing the Sefer Torah to those on the left side of the shul first) or to one’s left (thereby showing the Sefer Torah to those on the right side first?
Also, at which stage of the Hagbah should the Sefer Torah be shown to those sitting or standing in front of the Bimah?

It is customary to first turn to one’s left, in order to show the Sefer Torah to those standing to the right of the person holding it, continuing around until those in front of him can see it, and then turn to the right in order to show the Sefer Torah to those standing at his left. Some have the custom to slightly turn to the left again.
It is good for everyone present to see the writing on the Sefer, and some people make an effort to try to read some of the words, so the Hagbah should be done fairly slowly.


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