Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Chassidut

Finding the Still Small Voice

The Rav Name: Rabbi Yitzchak Arad


Could you tell me how you would go about discerning the voice and will of God.
I need to know if I am being led to pursue art from God or misled.
How can I know for certain what to do when my life resembles that of Job- illness etc- for decades not months.



Shalom and thank you for your question!  There is a short answer, and that is,that when the thought or course of action you take brings you forward in your life, to a place that is happier, more productive, and more ethical than where you were holding previously, then that thought, speech or deed came from the G-dly soul within you, a place of holiness which is always connected to G-d.
To explain, I will attempt a slightly longer answer. Imagine a painting done with rich oil colour, of a beautiful forest that looks like you could just walk straight in to it. There is a clearing and in that clearing several objects are strewn around, that do not normally grow in a forest. The artist has thereby given you a hint as to who he/she – the creator of this work of art, is, and what he/she is trying to tell you. It is the same with the universe. G-d created and re-creates it, and as the Sages of the Talmud teach us, G-d actually used the Torah (translates to English as teaching/instruction,) as the blueprint for the world, and once the world was created, the Torah has become the instruction manual for us. For Jews there are the commandments handed down to the Jewish people at Mt. Sinai by Moses, of which the Ten Commandments are only like chapter headings, there are many more laws and details. For non-Jews there are the Seven Noahide Laws given to Noah, which include not blaspheming, stealing, killing, or committing adultery, setting up courts of justice, and more.

After the initial event of receiving the Torah at Sinai, Moses was a very busy man, teaching the people how to apply it to their everyday lives. Jethro, Moses’ son-in-law, (who had worshipped every form of idol worship available at the time in his search for the truth, and had come to realize that the G-d of Moses was the true G-d,) came and observed this activity of teaching and judging the people, and he suggested to Moses an efficient system. Jethro’s idea was delegation, that Moses should appoint men of stature who could learn from him and be in charge of groups, and within each group of ten thousand people with a leader, there would be sub-groups of one thousand people with a leader, and within those there would be sub-groups of one hundred people with a leader, and then ten people with a leader, .

Moses humbly accepted Jethro’s suggestion.Since then, we understand that people need leadership. The Sages of the Talmud advise:” Take for yourself a Rabbi/mentor, and acquire for yourself a friend.” This is a continuation of the Jethro idea. It is desirable to be part of a community of people who share your ideals, and have a leader.If this is not currently possible, it is important to have someone you can respect enough to share your thought processes with, in order to gain clarity. The greatest of people need someone to share and consult with. Since this is a G-dly system, as part of the Torah’s teaching, it follows that when we act in accordance with it we are performing G-d’s will.

The commandments in the Torah for Jewish people, and the Seven Noahide Laws, are the expression of G-d’s will and wisdom, and should be regularly studied. This will help gain clarity, and help a person to have a healthy relationship with G-d.

In the story of Job, we find that after he was so severely tested, G-d actually returned him his health and riches, and ten more children were born to him!

Yes, life presents us with great challenges, which are actually the Divine purpose of our lives. We are to try our best to behave in accordance with G-d’s laws, in the framework of the situation G-d has put us in. Using our talents, such as the talent for art that you mention, is definitely an important part of our purpose. If we use it to benefit the world it is definitely holy. If one has a doubt about a particular branch of creativity or a particular project, that is where it is so useful to have someone with whom you can consult. Taking advice is a G-dly act.

We wish you greatly improved health and much productivity!


Jethro was Moses’ father-in-law, not son-in-law


3. ↑ חולין סג, א.שבת כג, לא. ליקוטי שיחות חל”ה, שיחה לחנוכה.