Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Chassidut

Dear Rabbi,I have two sons which are very bad at fasting. On all other fast days they will usually break the fast when they feel nauseous etc. If it happened that one of them did manage to fast a full day, then the problem starts by breaking the fast. They will throw up any food or drink, sleep for hours feeling extremely bad after the fast. As ‘Yom Kippur’ is approaching, and obviously it is difficult to break the fast unlike other fast days. Do you have ideas and suggestions what can be done (eat, drink) before the fast and how to break the fast.כוח”ט

Dear Rabbi,
I have two sons which are very bad at fasting. On all other fast days they will usually break the fast when they feel nauseous etc. If it happened that one of them did manage to fast a full day, then the problem starts by breaking the fast. They will throw up any food or drink, sleep for hours feeling extremely bad after the fast.
As ‘Yom Kippur’ is approaching, and obviously it is difficult to break the fast unlike other fast days. Do you have ideas and suggestions what can be done (eat, drink) before the fast and how to break the fast.

Shalom and thank you for your question!
It’s a good idea to start drinking extra water for a few days before Yom Kippur, and to eat nutritious food,according to doctors recommendations.

If your sons feel they may have a medical issue, and not just discomfort, we recommend getting a medical diagnosis about their ability to fast.

When they have such a diagnosis in hand, a Rabbinic authority should be consulted, and he will guide you as to how your sons should fast. He may recommend that they eat and drink very small Halachically defined amounts at certain intervals.

Hope the fast goes well!

May you be inscribed and sealed for a good and sweet New Year!
