Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Life Cycle

dear Rabbi, I work as the GABAY in our shull , I have a few questions regarding the order of the ALIYOT:
A. is it permissible that a grandfather will be called right after his grandson and vice versa?
B. is it permissible that a sun in law will be called right after his father in law and vice versa?

The Rav Name: Rabbi Boaz Yurkowitz

dear Rabbi, I work as the GABAY in our shull , I have a few questions regarding the order of the ALIYOT:

A. is it permissible that a grandfather will be called right after his grandson and vice versa?

B. is it permissible that a sun in law will be called right after his father in law and vice versa?

A. a grandson from the son shouldn’t be called before or after his grandfather, (especially if they have the same name) . grandson from the daughter It’s allowed.
                B. some scholars prohibit this but the common MINHAG is to allow this.


משנ”ב סקי”ט

פת”ש סימן קמא