Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Chassidut

How can we identify if the person reacts from a Tohu consciosness?

The Rav Name: Rabbi Yitzchak Arad

Characteristics of Tohu Consciousness: These express the animal soul, as reflected in a consciousness of yeshut. Included in this are mental attributes and processes that lead to shevirah (breakage): (1) it expresses the “external dimension” of the psyche; (2) it entails the projection of powerful emotions that dominate the intellect; (3) it leads to extremism; (4) subjective; (5) unrealistic (unable to acknowledge facts); (6) processes are accompanied by negative emotions; (7) ) “too many lights in too few vessels”; (8) there is a sense of futility in one’s efforts, or, alternatively, an illusory sense of success; (9) a blurred distinction between good and bad, and (10) a fixation on one particular path or mode of behavior.

Shalom and thank you for your question!

It’s very nice of you to be concerned about helping your friend find a suitable marriage partner.

Since as you write, she is Jewish, a sure-fire way to get to know a potential Jewish husband, is for her to be in an environment where there are lots of Jews. This is one of the reasons in fact, that in almost any area, she should be able to find a Chabad house close enough to go and visit sometimes. It’s possible to attend zoom classes on line and get to know people in that manner. When there’s no lock down, she can attend Shabbat services, meals, get- togethers, or a combination of the above.

A positive ‘side effect’ will be finding out more about her heritage.

On the topic of heritage, have you heard of the seven Noahide laws?

You probably know the Bible story about the great flood. The generation had become so wicked, that G-d wanted to destroy them, leaving only the righteous Noah and his family. When the waters receded and Noah was able to leave the ark and go on to dry land, G-d made a covenant with him. This covenant formed the basis for human morality. The laws include the prohibitions against killing and stealing, eating flesh torn off a live animal, not committing idolatry or adultery, and setting up courts of justice.

There are actually many details of these laws, and the Chabad house can help you also find out more.

It is wonderful to hear from people who take initiative to help the next person.

Wishing your friend much success, and you also, in all your endeavors…
