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Ask The Rabbi

category:  Chassidut

Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch or Mishnah Berurah?

Shalom Daat.
I have a question as a Ashkenaz Chassid. My posek acharon is Mishnah berurah as a Chasid is that yotzeh or should i be learning Alter Rebbes shulchan aruch harav which is for chasidim ? Is it fine to just learn and stick to Mishnah berurah or should i learn Shulchan aruch harav despite not following it or learning it for reference. Shulchan aruch harav is also incomplete missing chapters and portions, while Mishnah berurah is more recent and complete, which is sort of why i’m having a problem deciding.

Ashyanem dank v’kol tuv.
