Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Questions about Faith

A very difficult challenge

The Rav Name: Rabbi Boaz Yurkowitz

I have heard people say that if a person has a challenge that they find very difficult to handle, then it is a sign that this is the very challenge that they must work on. Is this true?

There is a way to test if a particular idea is in accordance with the Divine Will. When a person hears about a way of serving G-d which he/she had not thought of before, and it is against his nature and even against his very will, it is almost a sure sign that G-d seeks this service from him and thus brought it to his attention.

The more the person feels opposed to the idea, the greater the proof that it is specifically connected to him, and because of this, the evil inclination puts various obstacles in the path of fulfilling that service.


ליקוטי שיחות לפרשת בשלח חלק ג ס”ח