Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Other

A healthy balance when it comes to speaking to girls?

I’m 15 years old I wanted to know if there is a healthy balance when it comes to speaking to girls?

The sages, in Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fathers), recommend “Do not engage in much talk with women. (They said with one’s own wife) how much more so with another’s wife …”

A man should not engage in conversation with a girl or woman who is not part of one’s immediate family. It is permitted to converse in a manner necessary for technical purposes, but not in a manner of socializing.

It is worthwhile for you to develop relationships with other boys your age, and develop your Torah study and keeping of mitzvot, and with G-d’s help at the right time, in a few years, you can find your soulmate and establish a Torah-true home in purity and modesty.
