Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi


The Rav Name:

What is the meaning of ‘Bittul’ (self nullification)?
One of the principles of faith is that the Creator exists everywhere, and ‘He fills the earth with his glory.’ Despite this, there are places where the Creator reveals His Presence—the Shechinah, and places where it is concealed.
The spiritual vessel for receiving the Divine Presence is self-nullification. A creation that is aware only of itself and its own desires is essentially blocking the revelation of its Creator in itself, as the Sages say regarding an arrogant person: “He and I (G d) cannot dwell in the same place …,” and the more a person nullifies himself and feels that his existence is dependent on the Creator—’an empty vessel can receive” (be filled), and the Creator can manifest His Presence and reveal Himself through that person.
It must be emphasized though, that the deeper meaning of self-nullification is not lack of self-confidence or lack of appreciation for one’s own positive attributes, leading to a feeling of emptiness, but rather a sense of elevation that comes from acknowledging his positive attributes and talents, which are given to him by G d—’The soul that You have given me.’ The deeper aspect of ‘Bittul,’ self-nullification, means that a person feels that his actions are carried out by free choice (the power for which is also given from above), and the Sages say ‘If it wouldn’t be for the Holy One Blessed be He, a person could not overcome’ (the evil inclination). (Talmud Bavli, Kiddushin 30:72)
