Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Tefilin & Mezuza

May Women Wear Tzitzit or Tefillin?

Women are allowed to perform time-controlled mitzvot and, according to Chabad custom, can also say the blessing “Who has sanctified us with His commandments …” and even receive Heavenly reward for this. Examples of such mitzvot are: hearing the shofar on Rosh HaShana and blessing the lulav on the festival of Succot. What is the difference between the abovementioned mitzvot that women in our generation perform, and other time-controlled mitzvot like Tefillin and Tzitzit, which some women in Jewish history, like Rashi’s daughters and King David’s wife Michal, did perform?

According the Shulchan Oruch HaRav, women are not permitted to put on Tefillin, and should be deterred from it.

Regarding the wearing of tzitzit, women do not wear them, for even men are not obligated unless they are wearing a garment that requires it halachically, and it would be considered an act of ostentatiousness for her to wear it, since it is not required from her, and it makes her stand out as a result. Ostentatiousness is something that men also are required to refrain from in certain circumstances.

(Translator’s note: There are various reasons for this, including the fact that it is problematic to wear clothing associated with the opposite gender. There are deeper mystical reasons, as well. There is much that can be discussed regarding this issue specifically, and other issues pertaining to women in Jewish law generally. Regarding the wearing of Tefillin, it is complex, but the customs for men wearing Tefillin have changed according to differing circumstances. In any case, it is important to keep in mind that this has nothing to do with status, but rather with different ways that men and women connect to G-d.)
