Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi


In our shul (Beit Knesset, synagogue,) we have a gabbai that constantly causes quarrels between the congregants, and doesn’t get along with this person or with that person, to the extent that some of the congregants moved to a different shul. The congregants who remain would like to have a vote for a new gabbai, but the gabbai claims that since he came to his position without being voted in, doing as we propose would constitute going against the law of ‘Srarah’.

The laws of ‘Srarah’ (positions of authority,) include the gabbai of the shul. (Synagogue.) If indeed it is not customary in your shul to vote every few years – which would automatically limit the length of time that the gabbai would serve, then he cannot be removed from his position. In your case however, (of course this would have to be authorized by a Beis Din,) where the gabbai causes ‘machlokes’, disharmony, there is a completely different ‘din’ (law). Even a Rabbi and even a ‘Nosi’ (prince – ie; leader of the generation) can be removed from his position if he causes dissention. The Gemora (Talmud) brings a story about Raban Gamliel who was removed from his position as Nosi of Israel due to the dissension that he caused. Raban Yochanan ben Zakkai was appointed ‘Nosi’ in his stead.
