Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Parents & Children

Humor and how to keep it up

I read that humor is a big part of Jewish culture. How do you maintain that during low moments or when you feel unworthy of joy.

In Parshas Korach there is a verse that states “And there shall not be the likes of Korach and his followers,” meaning that it is forbidden to continue a feud. We should learn from Moshe Rabeinu (our teacher Moses), who approached the main protagonists, Dosan and Aviram, to try to appease them and prevent them from continuing the feud.

You don’t have a problem with Kibbud Av v’Em (the mitzvah of respecting parents), because it is as if they would be telling you to transgress a mitzvah, because even being involved in a feud is an aveira (a sin), and the child is not expected to fulfill the command of the parent against the command of the Holy One Blessed be He.

It is desirable to do this in a wise manner and not offend the parents. However, even if they continue to be upset, efforts should still be made to effect peace among the family.
