Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi


Which day is the real Sabbath?

Why in judaism do they have service on saturday, the sabbath when Exodus 16:29-30 says Mark that the LORD has given you the sabbath; therefore HE gives you two days of food on the sixth day. Let everyone remain where he is: let NO ONE leave his place on the seventh day. So the people remained INACTIVE on the seventh day. If I understand these verses correctly it is a violation of the sabbath to leave your home on the sabbath. Exodus 31:12-14 also says , And the LORD said to moses; speak to the israelite people and say; Nevertheless you must keep MY sabbath, for this is a sign between ME and you throughout the ages,that you may know that I the LORD have consecrated you. You shall keep the sabbath, for it si holy for you. He who profanes it shall be put to death; whoever does work on it shall be cut off from among his kin. These words come from the TANAKH, the jewish study bible from the jewish publication society containing the TORAH,NEVI’IM and KETHUVIM. I am eager to hear from you. Thank you for your time

To answer your question, we must first define the term “exile.” In secular terminology, exile is defined as ‘the state of being barred from one’s native country, typically for political or punitive reasons.’
This is not the true Jewish connotation of exile. The Torah concept of exile includes being sent out of our country, but not only. The land of Israel is not called ‘the Holy Land’ as a sentiment. It truly is holy, and when the first and second Temples, the Batei Mikdash, were standing, G-d’s presence was felt there by ongoing miracles. Exile for the Jewish people means that the Temples were desecrated, G-d’s presence was not manifested by these miracles, and as is still true today, even though many Jews live in Israel, thank G-d, many Jews still look to the nations of the world for approval, and there is not enough awareness of the Divine plan.
Regarding the fifth exile, there is much discussion among the commentaries, but the whole concept of exile can be on a spiritual plane, and does not have to involve being under the actual physical rule of a foreign power.

The important thing is, what are we doing to bring about redemption from our personal spiritual state of exile?
