Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Holidays

Teshuvah on Shabbat

Hello! There was a discussion about whether or not we are allowed to make teshuva and repent on shabbat. One side said No, we are NOT allowed- for example we are not supposed to say Vidduy in shema al hamita on shabbat, and we shouldnt feel remorse on shabbat (unless it’s possibly permitted for something that immediately happens)… The other side said Yes, we are SUPPOSED to repent on shabbat because shabbat is teshuvah, all are returning to gd, and that is what shabbat is for. Can you please provide guidance on this? On Shabbat, are we supposed to repent, or is it forbidden to repent?! Thank you in advance!

Although girls can light Chanukah candles if they wish, Chabad custom is that only the men/boys light (unless a woman is at home alone, in which case she must light).

One of the reasons given is that lighting the Chanukah candles was initially meant to be done outdoors, therefore the obligation was placed on the men.

If a girl insists that she wishes to light, she is allowed to light.
