My name is “Matthew” I was born and rise Jewish but my parents are not even as religious as i’am and I’m the most religious one in my whole family and I feel my name is not the right fit for me, and now since I’m getting older which I’m thirty I’m becoming even more religious. So I feel I deserve a more Hebrew name which I want to change my name which I have that desire to do it, but my mom said its not something that she agrees with because she gave that name to me since birth but I want to do it still because I feel that is the correct thing to do for myself. If I do change my name I want to feel that I’m not going against my mom by changing my name and get her approval, and also I’m not changing my name because I’m really sick or even because I did not have a near death experience thank G-D I’m not experiencing none of that, and I’m changing my name solely because I want a more Hebrew name instead of “Matthew”, because I have that gut feeling thats what
I need to do. I also feel that is the correct thing to do on changing name, but once again I don’t want to disappoint or even make my mom sad if I do change my name. So finally I want advise if I’m doing the correct thing by changing my name to a more Hebrew name.