Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Other

Jewish Grandfather

Hello Rabbi!

It was recently conformed that my Grandfather was Jewish, which he hid after fleeing Europe during ww2. I’m conflicted in Whether to try and reclaim this identity or not. On one hand i don’t want to let the nazi ideology win in eradicating my grandfathers culture and beliefs and want to learn more about the religion he never should been forced to hide. But on the other, i was not raised Jewish and was baptized as a Christian. Even if i do convert, I’ll still feel like a fake.
What are you thoughts?

There are no hard and fast rules about white shirts. In general, a white shirt is considered to be a modest but respectable garment, and a person should wear clothing that is respectable.

Also, part of the day is spent standing in prayer in front of the Creator, and this certainly warrants respectable attire.

In any case, the main thing is not the external garments, but rather the spiritual ones, namely, a person’s thought, speech, and deed. Physical clothing is only a means to the end, the goal being purity of spiritual garments.
