Cursed? - דעת - לימודי יהדות באור החסידות

Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi



The Rav Name: Rabbi Boaz Yurkowitz

Years ago my husband put his hand on a mezuzah and cursed me and our children. Since then my children and I have had some health issues, but he has suffered the worst . A heart tumor caused him to have a stroke leaving him paralyzed on one side and with difficulty speaking. Could the terrible thing he did cause what has happened to us?

There are two aspects to going to the Mikveh: 1. Immersion in accordance with the ruling of Ezra HaSofer, which is done in case there was nocturnal emission, and is therefore very important. 2. Immersion for the sake of additional purity, and for this purpose if you have difficulty in going, you can say Mishnayot from Seder Taharot.
