Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Family

Convert – or not?

Hello, I have a somewhat nuanced question, and would appreciate some guidance. I’m undergoing education leading towards conversion to Judaism through a recognized (but non orthodox) local Rabbi, and have discovered I’m (through great distance) maternally of Jewish, though with no material previous connection Jewish practice or heavily documented enough to prove ‘without a doubt’ she was Jewish due to conversion and some immigration record irregularities. Additionally complicating this, is the fact that I’m married to a deeply supportive but non-Jewish or actively religious wife, and as such even if I were to seek a traditional conversion through an Orthodox Rabbi it would likely not advance far since it would creat an interfaith marriage (though it existed before I knew of this ancestry.) So my question is: as someone with “Jewish” religious convictions, and maternal/halachic but not definitely Jewish descent, what would be my best approach to approaching orthodox Torah observance? Seek conversion and practice as a ‘frum’ but heterodox convert? Would the expectation be I ‘ere’ on not being counted for minyan etc. ?

Segulot for becoming pregnant:

  • First and foremost, one should be careful to practice the laws of family purity (Taharat Hamishpacha) accurately, including a review of the halachot.

  • Married women should cover their hair with a head covering such as a scarf or a hat, or ideally, a wig, according to Chabad custom.

  • In addition to the above, look back and try to remember if you offended anyone when you were dating, and if you did, appease him and ask for forgiveness.

  • Invite guests to your home.

  • Study Chassidus

  • Support places of Torah learning.

  • On the practical level, it would be advisable to get expert medical counseling and support in accordance with Jewish law from an organization that deals with this issue specifically, such as Machon Puah.
