Star of David and Jewishness - דעת - לימודי יהדות באור החסידות

Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi


Star of David and Jewishness

Shalom. I hope that all is well with you. I have been in the process of converting to Judaism for around 8 months(including the months during which I was doing research on Judaism not under the supervision of a rabbi). I was wondering, would it be appropriate for me to wear Jewish symbols, such as a Star of David or Hamsa Necklace? I am very secure in and committed to my journey to becoming a Jew. I have reached out to my rabbi and have not yet heard back, but wanted to hear the perspective of different rabbis.

Kol Tuv,

The cross in the square is not made to be worshipped, but rather for decorative purposes, therefore it is not necessary to make a detour.
