Ask The Rabbi

Ask The Rabbi

category:  Kashrut

Meat sink by the dairy counter

Hey Rabbi,

I was wondering what’s the right thing to do, since I have two sinks in my kitchen, one next to the other and one is smaller than the other.

The bigger sink is on the side of my smaller counter space, which I want to use for dairy. What’s the best way to wash and put away the clean dishes? On the opposite side of the sink? Or should I put the clean dishes on the counter space that’s not meant for those dishes?

Hope my question is clear.

If I understand your question correctly, you are asking if you can put meat dishes on a dairy counter, or dairy dishes on a meat counter? If that is your question, the answer is yes, as long as both are clean and cold.

If that is problematic, you could have a tray or other surface that doesn’t transfer heat to put the dishes on. If you are passing freshly washed dishes which are dairy and dripping hot water over a meat sink, then you should put a plastic sink inside the meat sink, or cover it with a tray, or use only lukewarm water. 
